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// CcdDataImageProcessingDlg.h : 头文件
#pragma once
#include "afxwin.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "FileMgr.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#define WHITE RGB(255, 255, 255) // 定义 WHITE 颜色
// CCcdDataImageProcessingDlg 对话框
class CCcdDataImageProcessingDlg : public CDialogEx
// 构造
CCcdDataImageProcessingDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // 标准构造函数
// 对话框数据
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持
// 实现
HICON m_hIcon;
// 生成的消息映射函数
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon();
CEdit m_MinEnergy1;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy1;
CEdit m_MinEnergy2;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy2;
CEdit m_MinEnergy3;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy3;
CEdit m_MinEnergy4;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy4;
CEdit m_MinEnergy5;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy5;
CEdit m_MinEnergy6;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy6;
CEdit m_MinEnergy7;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy7;
CEdit m_MinEnergy8;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy8;
CEdit m_MinEnergy9;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy9;
CEdit m_MinEnergy10;
CEdit m_MaxEnergy10;
CComboBox m_bEnergy1;
CComboBox m_bEnergy2;
CComboBox m_bEnergy3;
CComboBox m_bEnergy4;
CComboBox m_bEnergy5;
CComboBox m_bEnergy6;
CComboBox m_bEnergy7;
CComboBox m_bEnergy8;
CComboBox m_bEnergy9;
CComboBox m_bEnergy10;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy1;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy2;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy3;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy4;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy5;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy6;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy7;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy8;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy9;
CEdit m_ProportionEnergy10;
CComboBox m_Color1;
CComboBox m_Color2;
CComboBox m_Color3;
CComboBox m_Color4;
CComboBox m_Color5;
CComboBox m_Color6;
CComboBox m_Color7;
CComboBox m_Color8;
CComboBox m_Color9;
CComboBox m_Color10;
CEdit m_CddDataPath;
CStatic m_StaticCtrl;
// 数据成员
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> m_data; // 存储读取的数据
float m_minEnergy, m_maxEnergy;
float m_SumEnergy, m_NumEnergy;
float m_Scheme1, m_Scheme2, m_Scheme3, m_Scheme4, m_Scheme5, m_Scheme6, m_Scheme7, m_Scheme8, m_Scheme9, m_Scheme10;
afx_msg void OnBnClickedImageInfoSaveButton();
afx_msg void OnBnClickedDlgMinButton();
afx_msg void OnBnClickedDlgMaxButton();
afx_msg void OnBnClickedImageGenerateButton();
afx_msg void OnBnClickedSlectPathButton();
afx_msg void OnBnClickedSaveImageButton();
void OnInitEnergyCombo();
void OnInitEnergyInfo();
void OnInitCcdDataPath();
void UpProportionEnergy();
void OnInitAll();
void LoadEnergyDataFromFile(const CString& strFilePath);
void LoadData(CString cddDataPath);
void OnPaintCcd();
void SaveImage(const CString& savePath);
BOOL FileExists(const CString& strFilePath);
COLORREF GetColorFromEnergy(float energy);// 根据能量值设置颜色
// 颜色范围结构体
struct ColorRange {
float minEnergy;
float maxEnergy;
const int proportionEnergy;
ColorRange(float minE, float maxE, COLORREF col, const int proportionE)
: minEnergy(minE), maxEnergy(maxE), color(col), proportionEnergy(proportionE){}
// 颜色方案类
class ColorScheme {
std::string name; // 方案的名称
std::vector<ColorRange> ranges; // 存储能量范围和对应的颜色
// 默认构造函数
ColorScheme() : name("") {}
// 带参数构造函数
ColorScheme(std::string schemeName) : name(schemeName) {}
// 添加能量范围
void addRange(float minEnergy, float maxEnergy, COLORREF color, const int proportionEnergy) {
ranges.push_back(ColorRange{ minEnergy, maxEnergy, color ,proportionEnergy});
// 根据能量值返回对应的颜色
COLORREF getColor(float energy);
// 颜色方案管理类
class ColorSchemeManager {
std::map<std::string, ColorScheme> schemes;
ColorScheme* currentScheme;
ColorSchemeManager() : currentScheme(nullptr) {}
void addScheme(const std::string& name) {
schemes[name] = ColorScheme(name);
void setCurrentScheme(const std::string& name) {
currentScheme = &schemes[name];
extern ColorSchemeManager m_colorSchemeManager;
extern std::map<const int, int> m_proportionEnergy;