#include "CGugaoDriver.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "gts.h"
#include "gtgl500.h"
#include <thread>
bool CGugaoDriver::OpenCard(std::vector<int>& axisIdVec)
short status = -1;
short sRtn = -1;
sRtn = GTN_Open(CHANNEL_PCIE, 1); // 打开运动控制器,第一个参数:打开运动控制器方式,第二个参数默认1,暂无意义
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_Open is error");
return false;
sRtn = GTN_Reset(CORE_NUM); //复位核1,参数:内核编号
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_Reset is error");
return false;
sRtn = GTN_TerminateEcatComm(CORE_NUM); //结束EtherCAT通讯。
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_TerminateEcatComm is error");
return false;
sRtn = GTN_InitEcatComm(CORE_NUM); //EtherCAT初始化。
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_InitEcatComm is error");
return false;
short sCnt = 0;
sRtn = GTN_IsEcatReady(1, &status); //查询EtherCAT通讯状态。 0:通讯未完全建立;1:通讯完全建立。
} while ((status != 1 || sRtn != 0) && (sCnt < 20)); //通讯在0.5s*20仍未准备好
sRtn = GTN_StartEcatComm(CORE_NUM); //启动EtherCAT通讯。成功调用这条指令后,才可以调用其他运动指令。
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_StartEcatComm is error");
return false;
// 配置运动控制器
char szFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szFilePath, MAX_PATH);
(strrchr(szFilePath, '\\'))[1] = 0; //删除文件名,只获得路径
sprintf(szFilePath, "%sgtn_core1.cfg", szFilePath);
sRtn = GTN_LoadConfig(CORE_NUM, szFilePath); //第一个参数:内核,第二个参数:文件路径
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_LoadConfig error");
return false;
for (auto& iter : axisIdVec)
sRtn = GTN_ClrSts(CORE_NUM, iter, 10); //清除驱动器报警标志、跟随误差越限标志、限位触发标志。
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_ClrSts is error");
return false;
for (auto& iter : axisIdVec)
sRtn = GTN_ZeroPos(CORE_NUM, iter, 1); //清零规划位置和实际位置,并进行零漂补偿。
for (auto& iter : axisIdVec)
sRtn = GTN_AxisOn(CORE_NUM, iter); //打开驱动器使能, 第一个参数:内核编号,第二个参数:轴编号
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_AxisOn is error");
return false;
sRtn = GT_GLinkInit(0); //扩展模块初始化,第一个参数,目前默认为0
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GT_GLinkInit is error");
return false;
m_open = true;
return true;
bool CGugaoDriver::CloseCard(std::vector<int>& axisIdVec)
short sRet;
for (auto& iter : axisIdVec)
sRet = GTN_AxisOff(CORE_NUM, iter); //关闭驱动器使能。第一个参数:内核,第二个参数:轴号
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_AxisOff is error");
return false;
sRet = GTN_Close(); //关闭运动控制器
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_Close is error");
return false;
m_open = false;
return true;
int CGugaoDriver::AbsMove(int iAxisId,
int pulseTo1mm,
double dPos,
double dAcc,
double dDec,
double dMoveSpeed,
bool bWaitFinished)
if (!m_open)
return 1;
if (m_onAxisMoveSafeFunc != nullptr)
if (!m_onAxisMoveSafeFunc(iAxisId, dPos))
return 1;
double targetPulse = pulseTo1mm * dPos;
unsigned short uirvMode;
//读取 EtheCAT 轴的操作模式,第一个参数:内核,第二个参数轴号,第三个参数私服操作模式
short sRet = GTN_GetEcatAxisMode(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &uirvMode);
if (!sRet && uirvMode != CYCLIC_SYNC_POSITION)
long lAxisStatus;
sRet = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus); //获取轴的状态
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "AbsMotion中的GTN_GetSts失败");
return false;
if (!(lAxisStatus & (1 << 9)))//第9位为1时,电机使能
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "轴未使能");
return false;
if (lAxisStatus & (1 << 10))//检查轴是否正在运动
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "轴正在运动");
return false;
sRet = GTN_PrfTrap(CORE_NUM, iAxisId); //切换为点位运动
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_SetHomingMode is error");
// 读取点位运动参数
TTrapPrm trap;
sRet = GTN_GetTrapPrm(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &trap);
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "SetPointMotionParam中的GTN_GetTrapPrm失败");
return false;
trap.acc = dAcc;
trap.dec = dDec;
trap.velStart = dMoveSpeed;
trap.smoothTime = 50;
sRet = GTN_SetTrapPrm(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &trap); // 设置点位运动参数
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_SetTrapPrm is error");
return 1;
sRet = GTN_SetVel(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, dMoveSpeed); //设置目标速度
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_SetVel is error");
return 1;
// 设置AXIS轴的目标位置
sRet = GTN_SetPos(CORE_NUM, (short)iAxisId, (long)targetPulse);
if (sRet)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_SetPos is error");
return 1;
// 启动AXIS轴的运动当 bit 位为 1 时表示启动对应的轴。
short sRtn = GTN_Update(CORE_NUM, 1 << (iAxisId - 1));
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_Update is error");
return 1;
if (bWaitFinished)
long lAxisSts = 0;
while (true)
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisSts);
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GTN_GetSts is error");
return 1;
if (lAxisSts & (1 << 1))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "Driver alarm flag");
else if (lAxisSts & (1 << 4))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "跟随误差越限标志");
else if (lAxisSts & (1 << 5))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "正限位触发标志");
else if (lAxisSts & (1 << 6))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "负限位触发标志");
else if (lAxisSts & (1 << 7))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "IO平滑停止触发标志");
else if (lAxisSts & (1 << 8))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "IO急停触发标志");
else if (lAxisSts & (1 << 9))
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "电机使能标志");
if (lAxisSts & (1 << 10))
double prefPos;
// 读取AXIS轴的规划位置
short sRtn = GTN_GetPrfPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &prefPos);
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:GetCurPos, GTN_GetPrfPos is error");
return 1;
long pulsePos = (long)prefPos;
if (pulsePos == (long)targetPulse) {
return 0;
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "GetPos != setPos");
return 0;
int CGugaoDriver::WriteIO(short sSlaveNo, short sIoIndex, unsigned char ucValue)
if (m_onSetIoSafeFunc != nullptr)
if (!m_onSetIoSafeFunc(sIoIndex, ucValue)) {
return 1;
short rtn = GT_SetGLinkDoBit(sSlaveNo, sIoIndex, ucValue);
if (rtn != 0) {
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:writeIO, GT_SetGLinkDoBit is error");
return 1;
return 0;
int CGugaoDriver::WriteAO(short sSlaveNo, short sIoIndex, short sValue)
short rtn = GT_SetGLinkAo(sSlaveNo, sIoIndex, &sValue, 1);
if (rtn != 0) {
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:writeAO, GT_SetGLinkAo is error");
return 1;
return 0;
short CGugaoDriver::ReadDo(short sSlaveNo, short sIoIndex)
//读取模拟量输出数值, sSlaveNo:模块号,sIoIndex:IO号
short outval = 0;
short rtn = GT_GetGLinkAo(sSlaveNo, sIoIndex, &outval, 1);
if (rtn != 0) {
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:ReadDo, GT_GetGLinkAo is error");
return outval;
return outval;
unsigned char CGugaoDriver::ReadDi(short sSlaveNo, short sIoIndex)
unsigned char bit = 0;
short sRet = GT_GetGLinkDiBit(sSlaveNo, sIoIndex, &bit);
if (sRet != 0) {
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:ReadIO, GT_GetGLinkDiBit is error");
return bit;
return bit;
double CGugaoDriver::GetCurPos(int iAxisId, int pulseTo1mm)
if (!m_open)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:GetCurPos, device is not open");
return 0;
double pos;
// 读取AXIS轴的规划位置
short sRtn = GTN_GetPrfPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &pos);
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:GetCurPos, GTN_GetPrfPos is error");
return 0;
if (pulseTo1mm > 0)
pos /= (double)pulseTo1mm;
return pos;
void CGugaoDriver::stopMove(int iAxisId)
int CGugaoDriver::home(int iAxisId, double dSearchSpeed, double iIndexSpeed, double sSearchAcc, short sModule)
if (!m_open)
return 1;
if (m_onAxisPrevHomeFunc != nullptr)
if (!m_onAxisPrevHomeFunc(iAxisId)) {
return 1;
// 必须处于伺服使能状态, 切换到回零模式,数字6代表回零模式
short sRtn = GTN_SetHomingMode(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, 6);
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_SetHomingMode is error");
sRtn = GTN_SetHomingMode(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, 8);// 切换到位置控制模式
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_SetHomingMode is error");
return 1;
sRtn = GTN_SetEcatHomingPrm(CORE_NUM, iAxisId,
dSearchSpeed, //搜索开关速度,单位: 驱动器设置的用户速度单位
iIndexSpeed, //搜索 index 标识速度,单位: 驱动器设置的用户速度单位
sSearchAcc, //搜索加速度
0, //原点偏移量
0 //探针功能
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_GetEcatHomingStatus is error");
return 1;
// 启动回零
sRtn = GTN_StartEcatHoming(CORE_NUM, iAxisId);
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_GetEcatHomingStatus is error");
return 1;
unsigned short sHomeSts; // 回零状态
while (true)
sRtn = GTN_GetEcatHomingStatus(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &sHomeSts); //读回零状态
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_GetEcatHomingStatus is error");
return 1;
if (sHomeSts == 3) //3代表回零完成和回零成功完成
double encPos;
if (GTN_GetEncPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &encPos) == 0) {
std::string str = "Encoder position after returning to zero: " + std::to_string(encPos);
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, str);
double prfPos;
if (GTN_GetPrfPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &prfPos) == 0) {
std::string str = "Plan location after returning to zero: " + std::to_string(encPos);
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, str);
sRtn = GTN_ClrSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId);
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:Home, GTN_ClrSts is error");
sRtn = GTN_ZeroPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId);//清零规划位置和实际位置,并进行零漂补偿。
if (sRtn)
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function:Home, GTN_ZeroPos is error");
if (GTN_GetEncPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &encPos) == 0) {
std::string str = "Encoder position after clear(GTN_ZeroPos): " + std::to_string(encPos);
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, str);
if (GTN_GetPrfPos(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &prfPos) == 0) {
std::string str = "Plan location after clear(GTN_ZeroPos): " + std::to_string(encPos);
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, str);
if (GTN_SetHomingMode(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, 8))// 切换到位置控制模式,8代表位置控制模式
Logger::GetInstance()->WriteLog(0, "function: Home -> GTN_SetHomingMode is error");
if (m_AxisAfterHomeFunc != nullptr)
if (!m_AxisAfterHomeFunc(iAxisId))
return 1;
return 0;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsHome(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
unsigned short sHomeSts; // 回零状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetEcatHomingStatus(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &sHomeSts); //读回零状态
if (sHomeSts == 3) //3代表回零完成和回零成功完成
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsHoming(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
unsigned short sHomeSts; // 回零状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetEcatHomingStatus(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &sHomeSts); //读回零状态
if (sHomeSts == 0) //0代表正在回零
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsMoveing(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
long lAxisStatus = 0;
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus);
if (lAxisStatus & 0x400) //0x400正好在运动标志位
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsMoveEnd(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
long lAxisStatus = 0;
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus);
if (!(lAxisStatus & 0x400))//0x400正好在运动标志位,反向
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsAxisEnable(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
long lAxisStatus = 0;
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus);
if (lAxisStatus & 0x200)//0x200私服使能
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsAxisError(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
long lAxisStatus = 0;
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus);
if (lAxisStatus & 0x2) // 0x2私服报警标志
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::GetAxisErrorCode(int iAxisId)
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::IsAxisPaslimit(int iAxisId)
if (!m_open)
return false;
long lAxisStatus = 0;
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus);
// 正向限位触发
if (lAxisStatus & 0x20)
return true;
return false;
bool CGugaoDriver::isAxisNagLimit(int iAxisId)
long lAxisStatus = 0;
// 读取AXIS轴的状态
short sRtn = GTN_GetSts(CORE_NUM, iAxisId, &lAxisStatus);
if (lAxisStatus & 0x40)
return true;
return false;