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5 years ago
// Copyright (c) Advantech Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is subject to the terms of the Advantech end-user
// license agreement (EULA) under which you licensed this SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
// If you did not accept the terms of the EULA, you are not authorized to use
// this source code. For a copy of the EULA, please see the LICENSE.RTF on your
// install media.
#ifndef __ADV_MOT_ERR_H__
#define __ADV_MOT_ERR_H__
#ifndef SUCCESS
#define SUCCESS 0x00000000
#define Warning 0x10000000
#define FuncError 0x80000000
#define CommError 0x80001000
#define MotionError 0x80002000
#define DaqError 0x80003000
#define DevEvtError 0x80004000
#define DspError 0x80005000 // [9/26/2011 dan.yang]
#define DspAxError 0x80005100 // [9/26/2011 dan.yang]
#define DspGpError 0x80005200 // [9/26/2011 dan.yang]
#define DspRbError 0x80005500
#define GmError 0x81000000 //by dujunling on 2012.11.22 for GM code error
#define ECTError 0x83000000 // [9/22/2014 dan]: Add for EtherCAT
#define ECTDevError 0x83010000 // [3/24/2015 Andy] : EtherCAT master & slave error
#define ECTDevSDOError 0x83020000 //Error from SDO communication 0x8301 XXXX
#define ECTMotionError 0x83030000 //Error from Motion port communication
#define ECTIOError 0x83040000 //Error from IO port communication
#define ECTAxError 0x83050000 //Error from CiA402 ecat driver
#define ECAT_DriveError 0x83100000 // [3/24/2015 Andy] : EtherCAT Drive error
#define InvalidDevNumber (FuncError + 0)
#define DevRegDataLost (FuncError + 1)
#define LoadDllFailed (FuncError + 2)
#define GetProcAddrFailed (FuncError + 3)
#define MemAllocateFailed (FuncError + 4)
#define InvalidHandle (FuncError + 5)
#define CreateFileFailed (FuncError + 6)
#define OpenEventFailed (FuncError + 7)
#define EventTimeOut (FuncError + 8)
#define InvalidInputParam (FuncError + 9)
#define PropertyIDNotSupport (FuncError + 10)
#define PropertyIDReadOnly (FuncError + 11)
#define ConnectWinIrqFailed (FuncError + 12)
#define InvalidAxCfgVel (FuncError + 13)
#define InvalidAxCfgAcc (FuncError + 14)
#define InvalidAxCfgDec (FuncError + 15)
#define InvalidAxCfgJerk (FuncError + 16)
#define InvalidAxParVelLow (FuncError + 17)
#define InvalidAxParVelHigh (FuncError + 18)
#define InvalidAxParAcc (FuncError + 19)
#define InvalidAxParDec (FuncError + 20)
#define InvalidAxParJerk (FuncError + 21)
#define InvalidAxPulseInMode (FuncError + 22)
#define InvalidAxPulseOutMode (FuncError + 23)
#define InvalidAxAlarmEn (FuncError + 24)
#define InvalidAxAlarmLogic (FuncError + 25)
#define InvalidAxInPEn (FuncError + 26)
#define InvalidAxInPLogic (FuncError + 27)
#define InvalidAxHLmtEn (FuncError + 28)
#define InvalidAxHLmtLogic (FuncError + 29)
#define InvalidAxHLmtReact (FuncError + 30)
#define InvalidAxSLmtPEn (FuncError + 31)
#define InvalidAxSLmtPReact (FuncError + 32)
#define InvalidAxSLmtPValue (FuncError + 33)
#define InvalidAxSLmtMEn (FuncError + 34)
#define InvalidAxSLmtMReact (FuncError + 35)
#define InvalidAxSLmtMValue (FuncError + 36)
#define InvalidAxOrgLogic (FuncError + 37)
#define InvalidAxOrgEnable (FuncError + 38)
#define InvalidAxEzLogic (FuncError + 39)
#define InvalidAxEzEnable (FuncError + 40)
#define InvalidAxEzCount (FuncError + 41)
#define InvalidAxState (FuncError + 42)
#define InvalidAxInEnable (FuncError + 43)
#define InvalidAxSvOnOff (FuncError + 44)
#define InvalidAxDistance (FuncError + 45)
#define InvalidAxPosition (FuncError + 46)
#define InvalidAxHomeModeKw (FuncError + 47)
#define InvalidAxCntInGp (FuncError + 48)
#define AxInGpNotFound (FuncError + 49)
#define AxIsInOtherGp (FuncError + 50)
#define AxCannotIntoGp (FuncError + 51)
#define GpInDevNotFound (FuncError + 52)
#define InvalidGpCfgVel (FuncError + 53)
#define InvalidGpCfgAcc (FuncError + 54)
#define InvalidGpCfgDec (FuncError + 55)
#define InvalidGpCfgJerk (FuncError + 56)
#define InvalidGpParVelLow (FuncError + 57)
#define InvalidGpParVelHigh (FuncError + 58)
#define InvalidGpParAcc (FuncError + 59)
#define InvalidGpParDec (FuncError + 60)
#define InvalidGpParJerk (FuncError + 61)
#define JerkNotSupport (FuncError + 62)
#define ThreeAxNotSupport (FuncError + 63)
#define DevIpoNotFinished (FuncError + 64)
#define InvalidGpState (FuncError + 65)
#define OpenFileFailed (FuncError + 66)
#define InvalidPathCnt (FuncError + 67)
#define InvalidPathHandle (FuncError + 68)
#define InvalidPath (FuncError + 69)
#define IoctlError (FuncError + 70)
#define AmnetRingUsed (FuncError + 71)
#define DeviceNotOpened (FuncError + 72)
#define InvalidRing (FuncError + 73)
#define InvalidSlaveIP (FuncError + 74)
#define InvalidParameter (FuncError + 75)
#define InvalidGpCenterPosition (FuncError + 76)
#define InvalidGpEndPosition (FuncError + 77)
#define InvalidAddress (FuncError + 78)
#define DeviceDisconnect (FuncError + 79)
#define DataOutBufExceeded (FuncError + 80)
#define SlaveDeviceNotMatch (FuncError + 81)
#define SlaveDeviceError (FuncError + 82)
#define SlaveDeviceUnknow (FuncError + 83)
#define FunctionNotSupport (FuncError + 84)
#define InvalidPhysicalAxis (FuncError + 85) //[Dean 2008.1.31]
#define InvalidVelocity (FuncError + 86) //[Dean 2008.2.5]
#define InvalidAxPulseInLogic (FuncError + 87) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxPulseInSource (FuncError + 88) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxErcLogic (FuncError + 89) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxErcOnTime (FuncError + 90) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxErcOffTime (FuncError + 91) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxErcEnableMode (FuncError + 92) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxSdEnable (FuncError + 93) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxSdLogic (FuncError + 94) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxSdReact (FuncError + 95) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxSdLatch (FuncError + 96) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxHomeResetEnable (FuncError + 97) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxBacklashEnable (FuncError + 98) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxBacklashPulses (FuncError + 99) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxVibrationEnable (FuncError + 100) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxVibrationRevTime (FuncError + 101) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxVibrationFwdTime (FuncError + 102) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxAlarmReact (FuncError + 103) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidAxLatchLogic (FuncError + 104) //[Dean 2008.2.13]
#define InvalidFwMemoryMode (FuncError + 105)
#define InvalidConfigFile (FuncError + 106)
#define InvalidAxEnEvtArraySize (FuncError + 107)
#define InvalidAxEnEvtArray (FuncError + 108)
#define InvalidGpEnEvtArraySize (FuncError + 109)
#define InvalidGpEnEvtArray (FuncError + 110)
#define InvalidIntervalData (FuncError + 111)
#define InvalidEndPosition (FuncError + 112)
#define InvalidAxisSelect (FuncError + 113)
#define InvalidTableSize (FuncError + 114)
#define InvalidGpHandle (FuncError + 115)
#define InvalidCmpSource (FuncError + 116)
#define InvalidCmpMethod (FuncError + 117)
#define InvalidCmpPulseMode (FuncError + 118)
#define InvalidCmpPulseLogic (FuncError + 119)
#define InvalidCmpPulseWidth (FuncError + 120)
#define InvalidPathFunctionID (FuncError + 121)
#define SysBufAllocateFailed (FuncError + 122)
#define SpeedFordFunNotSpported (FuncError + 123)
#define InvalidNormVector (FuncError + 124)//zhaocui add
#define InvalidCmpTimeTableCount (FuncError + 125)
#define InvalidCmpTime (FuncError + 126)
#define FWDownLoading (FuncError + 127)//zhaocui add 20131209
#define FWVersionNotMatch (FuncError + 128)//zhaocui add 20131209
#define InvalidAxParHomeVelLow (FuncError + 129)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxParHomeVelHigh (FuncError + 130)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxParHomeAcc (FuncError + 131)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxParHomeDec (FuncError + 132)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxParHomeJerk (FuncError + 133)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxCfgJogVelLow (FuncError + 134)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxCfgJogVelHigh (FuncError + 135)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxCfgJogAcc (FuncError + 136)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxCfgJogDec (FuncError + 137)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxCfgJogJerk (FuncError + 138)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxCfgKillDec (FuncError + 139)//yangkai add 20140707
#define NotOpenAllAxes (FuncError + 140)//yangkai add 20140707
#define NotSetServoComPort (FuncError + 141)//yangkai add 20140707
#define OpenComPortFailed (FuncError + 142)//yangkai add 20140707
#define ReadComPortTimeOut (FuncError + 143)//yangkai add 20140707
#define SetComPortStateFailed (FuncError + 144)//yangkai add 20140707
#define SevroTypeNotSupport (FuncError + 145)//yangkai add 20140707
#define ReadComBufFailed (FuncError + 146)//yangkai add 20140707
#define InvalidAxMaxErrorCnt (FuncError + 147)//yangkai add 20141015
#define MoveModeNosupportBlend (FuncError + 148)
#define CmpModeCannotGenDO (FuncError + 149)
//AMONet Communication error
#define SlaveIOUpdateError (FuncError + 150)
#define NoSlaveDevFound (FuncError + 151)
#define MasterDevNotOpen (FuncError + 152)
#define MasterRingNotOpen (FuncError + 153)
#define CannotFindCenterby3P (FuncError + 154)
#define InvalidAxCfgJogPAssign (FuncError + 155)// add 20150508
#define InvalidAxCfgJogNAssign (FuncError + 156)// add 20150508
#define InvalidAxCfgCamDOAssign (FuncError + 157)// add 20150508
#define InvalidAxCfgDIStopAssign (FuncError + 158)// add 20150512
//DAQ function [1/24/2008 Dean] -----------------------------------
#define InvalidDIPort (FuncError + 200)
#define InvalidDOPort (FuncError + 201)
#define InvalidDOValue (FuncError + 202)
//EVT function
#define CreateEventFailed (FuncError + 203)
#define CreateThreadFailed (FuncError + 204)
#define InvalidHomeModeEx (FuncError + 205)
#define InvalidDirMode (FuncError + 206)
#define AxHomeMotionFailed (FuncError + 207)
#define ReadFileFailed (FuncError + 208)
#define PathBufIsFull (FuncError + 209)
#define PathBufIsEmpty (FuncError + 210)
#define GetAuthorityFailed (FuncError + 211) // [3/17/2011 dan.yang]
#define GpIDAllocatedFailed (FuncError + 212) // [04/15/2011 dan.yang]
#define FirmWareDown (FuncError + 213) // [4/26/2011 dan.yang] todo
#define InvalidGpRadius (FuncError + 214) // [4/28/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidAxCmd (FuncError + 215) // [4/28/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidaxExtDrv (FuncError + 216) // [4/29/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidGpMovCmd (FuncError + 217) // [5/4/2011 dan.yang]
#define SpeedCurveNotSupported (FuncError + 218) // [5/20/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidCounterNo (FuncError + 219) // [5/24/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidPathMoveMode (FuncError + 220) // [6/2/2011 dan.yang]
#define PathSelStartCantRunInSpeedForwareMode (FuncError + 221) // [6/21/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidCamTableID (FuncError + 222) // [6/23/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidCamPointRange (FuncError + 223) // [6/23/2011 dan.yang]
#define CamTableIsEmpty (FuncError + 224) // [6/23/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidPlaneVector (FuncError + 225) // [6/24/2011 dan.yang]
#define MasAxIDSameSlvAxID (FuncError + 226) // [6/24/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidGpRefPlane (FuncError + 227) // [7/4/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidAxModuleRange (FuncError + 228) // [7/8/2011 dan.yang]
#define DownloadFileFailed (FuncError + 229) // [7/12/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidFileLength (FuncError + 230) // [7/12/2011 dan.yang]
#define InvalidCmpCnt (FuncError + 231) // [8/10/2011 dan.yang]
#define JerkExceededMaxValue (FuncError + 232) // [12/9/2011 dan.yang]
#define AbsMotionNotSupport (FuncError + 233) // [1/17/2012 dan.yang]
#define invalidAiRange (FuncError + 234) // [4/18/2012 dan.yang]
#define AIScaleFailed (FuncError + 235) // [4/18/2012 dan.yang]
#define AxInRobot (FuncError + 236) // [7/31/2013 zhaocui]
#define Invalid3DArcFlat (FuncError + 237) // [7/31/2013 zhaocui]
#define InvalidIpoMap (FuncError + 238)
#define DataSizeNotCorrect (FuncError + 239) // [10/28/2013 dan.yang]
#define AxisNotFound (FuncError + 240) // [10/30/2013 dan.yang]
#define InvalidPathVelHigh (FuncError + 241) // [12/10/2013 dan.yang]
#define InvalidRbParVelLow (FuncError + 250) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbParVelHigh (FuncError + 251) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbParAcc (FuncError + 252) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbParDec (FuncError + 253) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbParJerk (FuncError + 254) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbState (FuncError + 255) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbHandle (FuncError + 256) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbRadius (FuncError + 257) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbMovCmd (FuncError + 258) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define NotOpenRobot (FuncError + 259) // [8/5/2014 kai.yang]
#define InvalidRbPoint (FuncError + 260)//yangkai add 20150128
#define RbAngleExceeded (FuncError + 261)//yangkai add 20150128
#define GetDIOFalied (FuncError + 300) // [11/16/2014 dan]
#define InvalidRingBufferCmd (FuncError + 301) // [12/10/2014 dan]
#define InvalidAoRange (FuncError + 302) // [12/17/2014 dan]
#define RingBufferOverFlow (FuncError + 303) // [12/18/2014 dan]
#define RbAreaExceeded (FuncError + 304)
#define InvalidAiValue (FuncError + 305)
#define InvalidAoValue (FuncError + 306)
#define NoPreScanData (FuncError + 307) // [2/17/2016 dandan.yang]
#define GroupNotAssigned (FuncError + 308) // [2/17/2016 dandan.yang]
#define HLmtPExceeded (MotionError + 0)
#define HLmtNExceeded (MotionError + 1)
#define SLmtPExceeded (MotionError + 2)
#define SLmtNExceeded (MotionError + 3)
#define AlarmHappened (MotionError + 4)
#define EmgHappened (MotionError + 5)
#define TimeLmtExceeded (MotionError + 6)
#define DistLmtExceeded (MotionError + 7)
#define InvalidPositionOverride (MotionError + 8) //[Dean 2008.2.18]
#define OperationErrorHappened (MotionError + 9)
#define SimultaneousStopHappened (MotionError + 10)
#define OverflowInPAPB (MotionError + 11)
#define OverflowInIPO (MotionError + 12)
#define STPHappened (MotionError + 13)
#define SDHappened (MotionError + 14)
#define AxisNoCmpDataLeft (MotionError + 15)
#define DevEvtTimeOut (DevEvtError + 1)
#define DevNoEvt (DevEvtError + 2)
#define Warning_AxWasInGp (Warning + 1)
//inconsistent rate of PPU setting
#define Warning_GpInconsistRate (Warning + 2)
#define Warning_GpInconsistPPU (Warning + 3)
#define Warning_GpMoveDistanceCanntBeZero (Warning + 4)
// Dsp Error // [9/26/2011 dan.yang]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ERR_SYS_TIME_OUT (DspError + 0x01)
#define Dsp_PropertyIDNotSupport (DspError + 0x02)
#define Dsp_PropertyIDReadOnly (DspError + 0x03)
#define Dsp_InvalidParameter (DspError + 0x04)
#define Dsp_DataOutBufExceeded (DspError + 0x05)
#define Dsp_FunctionNotSupport (DspError + 0x06)
#define Dsp_InvalidConfigFile (DspError + 0x07)
#define Dsp_InvalidIntervalData (DspError + 0x08)
#define Dsp_InvalidTableSize (DspError + 0x09)
#define Dsp_InvalidTableID (DspError + 0x0a)
#define Dsp_DataIndexExceedBufSize (DspError + 0x0b)
#define Dsp_InvalidCompareInterval (DspError + 0x0c)
#define Dsp_InvalidCompareRange (DspError + 0x0d)
#define Dsp_PropertyIDWriteOnly (DspError + 0x0e)
#define Dsp_NcError (DspError + 0x0f)
#define Dsp_CamTableIsInUse (DspError + 0x10)
#define Dsp_EraseBlockFailed (DspError + 0x11)
#define Dsp_ProgramFlashFailed (DspError + 0x12)
#define Dsp_WatchdogError (DspError + 0x13)
#define Dsp_ReadPrivateOverMaxTimes (DspError + 0x14) //[v1.0.8.4]
#define Dsp_InvalidPrivateID (DspError + 0x15) //[v1.0.8.4]
#define Dsp_DataNotReady (DspError + 0x16) //[v1.0.8.4]
#define Dsp_LastOperationNotOver (DspError + 0x17)
#define Dsp_WritePrivateTimeout (DspError + 0x18)
#define Dsp_FwIsDownloading (DspError + 0x19)
#define Dsp_FwDownloadStepError (DspError + 0x20)
#define Dsp_InvalidDiLtcChanelID (DspError + 0x21)
#define Dsp_InvalidDoCmpChanelID (DspError + 0x22)
#define Dsp_InvalidDevPptValue (DspError + 0x23)
#define Dsp_CmpCannotLinkMultiLtc (DspError + 0x24)
#define Dsp_SDIOLinkError (DspError + 0x25)
#define InvalidVerScanTable (DspError + 0x26)
#define InvalidVerEnablePos (DspError + 0x27)
#define VerMovLimitExceeded (DspError + 0x28)
#define Dsp_InvalidTableName (DspError + 0x29)
// Axis Error
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCfgVel (DspAxError + 0x01)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCfgAcc (DspAxError + 0x02)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCfgDec (DspAxError + 0x03)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCfgJerk (DspAxError + 0x04)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxParVelLow (DspAxError + 0x05)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxParVelHigh (DspAxError + 0x06)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxParAcc (DspAxError + 0x07)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxParDec (DspAxError + 0x08)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxParJerk (DspAxError + 0x09)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxPptValue (DspAxError + 0x0a)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxState (DspAxError + 0x0b)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxSvOnOff (DspAxError + 0x0c)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxDistance (DspAxError + 0x0d)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxPosition (DspAxError + 0x0e)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeMode (DspAxError + 0x0f)
#define Dsp_InvalidPhysicalAxis (DspAxError + 0x10)
#define Dsp_HLmtPExceeded (DspAxError + 0x11)
#define Dsp_HLmtNExceeded (DspAxError + 0x12)
#define Dsp_SLmtPExceeded (DspAxError + 0x13)
#define Dsp_SLmtNExceeded (DspAxError + 0x14)
#define Dsp_AlarmHappened (DspAxError + 0x15)
#define Dsp_EmgHappened (DspAxError + 0x16)
#define Dsp_CmdValidOnlyInConstSec (DspAxError + 0x17) // Command valid only in the constant section
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCmd (DspAxError + 0x18)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeDirMode (DspAxError + 0x19)
#define Dsp_AxisMustBeModuloAxis (DspAxError + 0x1a)
#define Dsp_AxIdCantSameAsMasId (DspAxError + 0x1b)
#define Dsp_CantResetPosiOfMasAxis (DspAxError + 0x1c)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxExtDrvOperation (DspAxError + 0x1d)
#define Dsp_AxAccExceededMaxAcc (DspAxError + 0x1e)
#define Dsp_AxVelExceededMaxVel (DspAxError + 0x1f)
#define Dsp_NotEnoughPulseForChgV (DspAxError + 0x20)
#define Dsp_NewVelMustGreaterThanVelLow (DspAxError + 0x21)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxGearMode (DspAxError + 0x22)
#define Dsp_InvalidGearRatio (DspAxError + 0x23)
#define Dsp_InvalidPWMDataCount (DspAxError + 0x24)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxPWMFreq (DspAxError + 0x25)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxPWMDuty (DspAxError + 0x26)
#define Dsp_AxGantryExceedMaxDiffValue (DspAxError + 0x27)
#define Dsp_ChanelIsDisable (DspAxError + 0x28)
#define Dsp_ChanelBufferIsFull (DspAxError + 0x29)
#define Dsp_ChanelBufferIsEmpty (DspAxError + 0x30)
#define Dsp_InvalidDoChanelID (DspAxError + 0x31)
#define Dsp_LatchHappened (DspAxError + 0x32)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxKillDec (DspAxError + 0x33)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxJogVelLow (DspAxError + 0x34)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxJogVelHigh (DspAxError + 0x35)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxJogAcc (DspAxError + 0x36)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxJogDec (DspAxError + 0x37)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxJogJerk (DspAxError + 0x38)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeVelLow (DspAxError + 0x39)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeVelHigh (DspAxError + 0x40)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeAcc (DspAxError + 0x41)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeDec (DspAxError + 0x42)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxHomeJerk (DspAxError + 0x43)
#define Dsp_PosErrorCntExceed (DspAxError + 0x44)
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCounterMax (DspAxError + 0x45) //ring counter
#define Dsp_InvalidAxOverflowMode (DspAxError + 0x46)
#define Dsp_ImposeTimeLongerPTP (DspAxError + 0x47)
#define Dsp_AxAngExceededMaxRotationAng (DspAxError + 0x48)
#define Dsp_AxAreaExceeded (DspAxError + 0x49)
#define Dsp_AxDiStopAct (DspAxError + 0x50) //dan.yang 2015.5.11 For guanghaojie
// Group Error // [9/26/2011 dan.yang]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define Dsp_InvalidAxCntInGp (DspGpError + 0x01)
#define Dsp_AxInGpNotFound (DspGpError + 0x02)
#define Dsp_AxIsInOtherGp (DspGpError + 0x03)
#define Dsp_AxCannotIntoGp (DspGpError + 0x04)
#define Dsp_GpInDevNotFound (DspGpError + 0x05)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpCfgVel (DspGpError + 0x06)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpCfgAcc (DspGpError + 0x07)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpCfgDec (DspGpError + 0x08)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpCfgJerk (DspGpError + 0x09)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpParVelLow (DspGpError + 0x0a)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpParVelHigh (DspGpError + 0x0b)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpParAcc (DspGpError + 0x0c)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpParDec (DspGpError + 0x0d)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpParJerk (DspGpError + 0x0e)
#define Dsp_JerkNotSupport (DspGpError + 0x0f)
#define Dsp_ThreeAxNotSupport (DspGpError + 0x10)
#define Dsp_DevIpoNotFinished (DspGpError + 0x11)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpState (DspGpError + 0x12)
#define Dsp_OpenFileFailed (DspGpError + 0x13)
#define Dsp_InvalidPathCnt (DspGpError + 0x14)
#define Dsp_InvalidPathHandle (DspGpError + 0x15)
#define Dsp_InvalidPath (DspGpError + 0x16)
#define Dsp_GpSlavePositionOverMaster (DspGpError + 0x17)
#define Dsp_GpPathBufferOverflow (DspGpError + 0x19)
#define Dsp_InvalidPathFunctionID (DspGpError + 0x1a)
#define Dsp_SysBufAllocateFailed (DspGpError + 0x1b)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpCenterPosition (DspGpError + 0x1c)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpEndPosition (DspGpError + 0x1d)
#define Dsp_InvalidGpCmd (DspGpError + 0x1e)
#define Dsp_AxHasBeenInInGp (DspGpError + 0x1f)
#define Dsp_InvalidPathRange (DspGpError + 0x20)
#define Dsp_InvalidNormVector (DspGpError + 0x21)
// [1/22/2014 deng]
#define Dsp_RbInvalidGpid (DspRbError + 0x01)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidMode (DspRbError + 0x01)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidArmLength (DspRbError + 0x02)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidAxesNum (DspRbError + 0x03)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidHandDir (DspRbError + 0x04)
#define Dsp_RbAreaExceeded (DspRbError + 0x05)
#define Dsp_RbAngleExceeded (DspRbError + 0x06)
#define Dsp_RbSwLmtNotEnabled (DspRbError + 0x07)
#define Dsp_RbVectorDistExceededZTargetDist (DspRbError + 0x08)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidPoint (DspRbError + 0x09)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidCurrentHandDir (DspRbError + 0x0a)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidCoordinateSystem (DspRbError + 0x0b)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidCoordinateAxis (DspRbError + 0x0c)
#define Dsp_RbSpeedTooHigh (DspRbError + 0x0d)
#define Dsp_RbInvalidState (DspRbError + 0x0e)
#define Dsp_RbEmgHappened (DspRbError + 0x0f)
#define Dsp_RbAlmHappened (DspRbError + 0x10)
#define Dsp_RbSLmtPExceeded (DspRbError + 0x11)
#define Dsp_RbSLmtNExceeded (DspRbError + 0x12)
//add by dujunling 2012.11.23
#define Gm_CodeError (GmError + 0x100)
#define Gm_SystemError (GmError + 0x200)
#define Gm_InvalidCharacter (Gm_CodeError + 1)
#define Gm_InvalidCode (Gm_CodeError + 2)
#define Gm_InvalidGCode (Gm_CodeError + 3)
#define Gm_InvalidMCode (Gm_CodeError + 4)
#define Gm_GroupCodeAlreadyExist (Gm_CodeError + 5)
#define Gm_MissingNumber (Gm_CodeError + 6)
#define Gm_MissingFWord (Gm_CodeError + 7)
#define Gm_MissingSWord (Gm_CodeError + 8)
#define Gm_MissingOWord (Gm_CodeError + 9)
#define Gm_MissingNWord (Gm_CodeError + 10)
#define Gm_MissingLWord (Gm_CodeError + 11)
#define Gm_MissingPWord (Gm_CodeError + 12)
#define Gm_MissingQWord (Gm_CodeError + 13)
#define Gm_MissingRWord (Gm_CodeError + 14)
#define Gm_MissingEWord (Gm_CodeError + 15)
#define Gm_MissingHWord (Gm_CodeError + 16)
#define Gm_MissingDWord (Gm_CodeError + 17)
#define Gm_MissingTWord (Gm_CodeError + 18)
#define Gm_MissingAxisWord (Gm_CodeError + 19)
#define Gm_MissingSubAxisWord (Gm_CodeError + 20)
#define Gm_InvalidFValue (Gm_CodeError + 21)
#define Gm_InvalidSValue (Gm_CodeError + 22)
#define Gm_InvalidOValue (Gm_CodeError + 23)
#define Gm_InvalidNValue (Gm_CodeError + 24)
#define Gm_InvalidLValue (Gm_CodeError + 25)
#define Gm_InvalidPValue (Gm_CodeError + 26)
#define Gm_InvalidQValue (Gm_CodeError + 27)
#define Gm_InvalidRValue (Gm_CodeError + 28)
#define Gm_InvalidEValue (Gm_CodeError + 29)
#define Gm_InvalidHValue (Gm_CodeError + 31)
#define Gm_InvalidDValue (Gm_CodeError + 32)
#define Gm_InvalidTValue (Gm_CodeError + 33)
#define Gm_InvalidAxisValue (Gm_CodeError + 34)
#define Gm_InvalidSubAxisValue (Gm_CodeError + 35)
#define Gm_OverloadAxisNum (Gm_CodeError + 36)
#define Gm_InvalidAxisNumber (Gm_CodeError + 37)
#define Gm_MacroNotFound (Gm_CodeError + 38)
#define Gm_InvalidGMSHandle (Gm_SystemError + 1)
#define Gm_InvalidThreadHandle (Gm_SystemError + 2)
#define Gm_SystemNotReady (Gm_SystemError + 3)
#define Gm_NotEnoughMemory (Gm_SystemError + 4)
#define Gm_InvalidPatternId (Gm_SystemError + 5)
#define Gm_InvalidBreakPoint (Gm_SystemError + 6)
#define Gm_InvalidMacroNumber (Gm_SystemError + 7)
#define Gm_CodeOverload (Gm_SystemError + 8)
#define Gm_MacroOverload (Gm_SystemError + 9)
#define Gm_InvalidFeedRate (Gm_SystemError + 10)
#define Gm_InvalidModuleRange (Gm_SystemError + 11)
#define Gm_RadiusCompensationAlreadyOn (Gm_SystemError + 12)
#define Gm_OverCut (Gm_SystemError + 13)
#define Gm_WrongRefPlane (Gm_SystemError + 14)
#define Gm_DllNotFound (Gm_SystemError + 15)
#define Gm_Ax_ErrorStop (Gm_SystemError + 16)
#define Gm_OverrunDwell (Gm_SystemError + 17)
#define Gm_InvalidSetCoordinate (Gm_SystemError + 18)
#define Gm_OverrunAxisNum (Gm_SystemError + 19)
#define Gm_InvalidG29 (Gm_SystemError + 20)//Updated by W.Y.Z 10-->20
#define Gm_BothOfGCodeUseAxisWords (Gm_SystemError + 21)
#define Gm_NotFoundNext (Gm_SystemError + 22)
#define Gm_ArcAxisNumError (Gm_SystemError + 23)
#define Gm_OverrunContiAxis (Gm_SystemError + 24)
#define Gm_ContiArcAxisError (Gm_SystemError + 25)
#define Gm_G272829CanNotBeConti (Gm_SystemError + 26)
#define Gm_CheckHomeFailed (Gm_SystemError + 27)
#define Gm_StackOverflow (Gm_SystemError + 28)
#define Gm_StackUnderflow (Gm_SystemError + 29)
#define Gm_InvalidAxHomeMode (Gm_SystemError + 30)
#define Gm_OverrunFilePath (Gm_SystemError + 31)
#define Gm_OverrunLineText (Gm_SystemError + 32)
#define Gm_InvalidSSTA (Gm_SystemError + 33) //Added by W.Y.Z on 2012.08.22 modify by dujunling on 2012.10.26
#define Gm_InfineLoop (Gm_SystemError + 34) //Added bydujunling on 2012.9.27 for loadjob,uploadjob,
////do error added by dujunling 2012.10.26
#define Gm_InvalidDoDevice (Gm_SystemError + 35)
#define Gm_InvalidDoChannel (Gm_SystemError + 36)
#define Gm_InvalidDoLevel (Gm_SystemError + 37)
#define Gm_InvalidDiDevice (Gm_SystemError + 38)
#define Gm_InvalidDiChannel (Gm_SystemError + 39)
#define Gm_InvalidDiLevel (Gm_SystemError + 40)
//custom m code
#define Gm_RunCustomMcodeError (Gm_SystemError + 41)
#define Gm_ZeroVector (Gm_SystemError + 42)
#define Gm_LineParallel (Gm_SystemError + 43)
#define Gm_InvalidBufferLength (Gm_SystemError + 44)
#define GmInvalidOptionPauseParam (Gm_SystemError + 45)
#define GmInvalidOptionSkip (Gm_SystemError + 46)
#define GmWaitDiTimeOut (Gm_SystemError + 47)
#define GmCannotInvokeMacroInMacro (Gm_SystemError + 48)
#define GmThreadTimeOut (Gm_SystemError + 49)
#define Gm_InvalidDiValue (Gm_SystemError + 50)//Added by W.Y.Z on 2014.04.09
#define Gm_BeOverCutted (Gm_SystemError + 51)//Added by W.Y.Z on 2014.06.12
//for P point function by W.Y.Z on 2014.08.28
#define Gm_RadiusCompensationCannotWithG2G3 (Gm_SystemError + 52)
#define Gm_InvalidPpointID (Gm_SystemError + 53)
#define Gm_InvalidFilePath (Gm_SystemError + 54)
#define Gm_InvalidFileFormat (Gm_SystemError + 55)
#define Gm_PpointHasNotSet (Gm_SystemError + 56)
#define Gm_PpointLenNotEqualWithAxesNum (Gm_SystemError + 57)
#define Gm_PpointAndNonPCannotBeMixed (Gm_SystemError + 58)
#define Gm_StartPosCannotEqualWithEndPos (Gm_SystemError + 59)
// [3/24/2015 yang.kai]
#define Gm_InvalidBoolID (Gm_SystemError + 60)
#define Gm_BoolHasNotSet (Gm_SystemError + 61)
#define Gm_IfBlockNotCorrect (Gm_SystemError + 62)
#define Gm_IfBlockFlowError (Gm_SystemError + 63)
#define Gm_InvalidParameter (Gm_SystemError + 64)
//Error Code
#define EC_GetNICNumberFailed (ECTError + 0x0)
#define EC_GetNICInfoFailed (ECTError + 0x1)
#define EC_OpenMasterDevFailed (ECTError + 0x2)
#define EC_GetSlaveFailed (ECTError + 0x3)
#define EC_StartOpModeFailed (ECTError + 0x4)
#define EC_CloseDeviceFailed (ECTError + 0x5)
#define EC_MemAllocateFailed (ECTError + 0x6)
#define EC_InvalidNicIndex (ECTError + 0x7)
#define EC_OpenDevFailed (ECTError + 0x8)
#define EC_ReadFileFailed (ECTError + 0x9)
#define EC_GetNicInfoFailed (ECTError + 0xa)
#define EC_GetSDOFailed (ECTError + 0xb)
#define EC_InvalidParameter (ECTError + 0xc)
#define EC_GetPDOOffsetFailed (ECTError + 0xd)
#define EC_InitialMappingInfoFalied (ECTError + 0xe)
#define EC_InitResourceFailed (ECTError + 0xf)
#define EC_SetSDOFailed (ECTError + 0x10)
#define EC_InvalidPortType (ECTError + 0x11)
#define EC_SetCycleTimeFailed (ECTError + 0x12)
#define EC_InvalidAoRange (ECTError + 0x13)
#define EC_InvalidAiRange (ECTError + 0x14)
#define EC_GetSlaveInfoFaied (ECTError + 0x15)
#define EC_GetNetWorkStateFaied (ECTError + 0x16)
#define EC_RegisterEventFailed (ECTError + 0x17)
#define EC_InvalidIntegrationTime (ECTError + 0x18)
#define EC_InvalidAIEnable (ECTError + 0x19)
#define EC_InvalidDIFilter (ECTError + 0x1a)
#define EC_SetSlaveStateFailed (ECTError + 0x1b)
#define EC_ZeroCalibrationFailed (ECTError + 0x1c)
#define EC_InvalidMasterHandle (ECTError + 0x1d)
#define EC_InvalidENIFile (ECTError + 0x1e)
#define EC_InvalidCaliType (ECTError + 0x1f)
#define EC_SetCaliValueFailed (ECTError + 0x20)
#define EC_AOCalibrationFailed (ECTError + 0x21)
#define EC_InvalidIOMapping (ECTError + 0x22)
#define EC_PortIndexGreaterThanPortNum (ECTError + 0x23)
#define EC_ChannelIDGreaterThanChannelNum (ECTError + 0x24)
#define EC_InputIndexGreaterThanInputNum (ECTError + 0x25)
#define EC_OutputIndexGreaterThanOutputNum (ECTError + 0x26)
#define EC_SetEnableFailed (ECTError + 0x27)
#define EC_SetAIRangeFailed (ECTError + 0x28)
#define EC_SetIntegrationTimeFailed (ECTError + 0x29)
#define EC_PropertyNotSupported (ECTError + 0x2a)
#define EC_SlaveIDConflicted (ECTError + 0x2b)
#define EC_SpanCalibrationFailed (ECTError + 0x2c)
#define EC_InvalidAiValue (ECTError + 0x2d)
#define EC_InvalidAoValue (ECTError + 0x2e)
#define EC_GetModuleFailed (ECTError + 0x2f)
#define EC_InvalidCntEnable (ECTError + 0x30)
#define EC_InvalidCntPulseInMode (ECTError + 0x31)
#define EC_InvalidCntInitValue (ECTError + 0x32)
#define EC_InvalidCntMaxValue (ECTError + 0x33)
#define EC_InvalidCntOverflowMode (ECTError + 0x34)
#define EC_InvalidCntLatchEnable (ECTError + 0x35)
#define EC_InvalidCntLatchEdge (ECTError + 0x36)
#define EC_InvalidCntCmpEnable (ECTError + 0x37)
#define EC_InvalidCntCmpMethod (ECTError + 0x38)
#define EC_InvalidCntCmpPulseEnable (ECTError + 0x39)
#define EC_InvalidCntCmpPulseMode (ECTError + 0x3a)
#define EC_InvalidCntCmpPulseLogic (ECTError + 0x3b)
#define EC_InvalidCntCmpPulseWidth (ECTError + 0x3c)
#define EC_AxCntExceeded (ECTError + 0x3d)
#define EC_FWUpgraded (ECTError + 0x3e)
#define ECAT_MasterEcatError (ECTDevError + 0x01)
#define ECAT_SlaveDisconnect_R0 (ECTDevError + 0x02)
#define ECAT_SlaveDisconnect_R1 (ECTDevError + 0x03)
#define ECAT_AxRetryError (ECTAxError + 0x01)
#define ECAT_AxResetCounterError (ECTAxError + 0x02)
#define ECAT_AxCmdErrorProtection (ECTAxError + 0x03)
#define ECAT_AxSlaveALM (ECTAxError + 0x04)
#define ECAT_AxFollowError (ECTAxError + 0x05)
#define ECAT_AxHomeError (ECTAxError + 0x06)
#define ECAT_MOTION_MASTER_NULL (ECTMotionError + 0x01)
#define ECAT_MOTION_SCAN_BUSY (ECTMotionError + 0x02)
#define ECAT_MOTION_DOMAIN_FAILED (ECTMotionError + 0x03)
#define ECAT_MOTION_SLAVE_NOT_SUPPORT (ECTMotionError + 0x04)
#define ECAT_MOTION_ACTIVE_FAILED (ECTMotionError + 0x06)
#define ECAT_MOTION_DOMAN_DATA_FAILED (ECTMotionError + 0x07)
#define ECAT_IO_MASTER_NULL (ECTIOError + 0x01)
#define ECAT_IO_SCAN_BUSY (ECTIOError + 0x02)
#define ECAT_IO_DOMAIN_FAILED (ECTIOError + 0x03)
#define ECAT_IO_ACTIVE_FAILED (ECTIOError + 0x06)
#define ECTAxOPERATIONMODE (ECTAxError + 0x10) //Error from CiA402 ecat driver
#define ECTAxHOMEOFFSET (ECTAxError + 0x20) //Error from CiA402 ecat driver
#define ECTAxHOMEMODE (ECTAxError + 0x30) //Error from CiA402 ecat driver
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_ProtocolTimeout (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x01)
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_ObjectNotExist (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x02)
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_SubindexNotExist (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x03)
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_ValueRangeExceeded (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x04)
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_WrittenTooHigh (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x05)
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_WrittenTooLow (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x06)
#define ECAT_HM_OPMODE_MaximumLessMinimum (ECTAxOPERATIONMODE + 0x07)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_ProtocolTimeout (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x01)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_ObjectNotExist (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x02)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_SubindexNotExist (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x03)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_ValueRangeExceeded (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x04)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_WrittenTooHigh (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x05)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_WrittenTooLow (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x06)
#define ECAT_HM_OFFSET_MaximumLessMinimum (ECTAxHOMEOFFSET + 0x07)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_ProtocolTimeout (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x01)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_ObjectNotExist (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x02)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_SubindexNotExist (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x03)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_ValueRangeExceeded (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x04)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_WrittenTooHigh (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x05)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_WrittenTooLow (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x06)
#define ECAT_HM_MODE_MaximumLessMinimum (ECTAxHOMEMODE + 0x07)
#define ECAT_SDO_ToggleBitNotChanged (ECTDevSDOError + 0x5300) //0x05030000,Toggle bit not changed
#define ECAT_SDO_ProtocolTimeout (ECTDevSDOError + 0x5400) //0x05040000,SDO protocol timeout
#define ECAT_SDO_CommandNotValidOrUnknown (ECTDevSDOError + 0x5401) //0x05040001,Client/Server command specifier not valid or unknown
#define ECAT_SDO_OutOfMemory (ECTDevSDOError + 0x5405) //0x05040005,Out of memory
#define ECAT_SDO_UnsupportedAccess (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6100) //0x06010000,Unsupported access to an object
#define ECAT_SDO_WriteOnlyObject (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6101) //0x06010001,Attempt to read a write-only object
#define ECAT_SDO_ReadOnlyObject (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6102) //0x06010002,Attempt to write a read-only object
#define ECAT_SDO_ObjectNotExist (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6200) //0x06020000, This object does not exist in the object directory
#define ECAT_SDO_MappedToPDOFailed (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6441) //0x06040041,The object cannot be mapped into the PDO
#define ECAT_SDO_ExceedPdoLength (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6442) //0x06040042,The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed the PDO length
#define ECAT_SDO_ParameterIncompatibility (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6443) //0x06040043,General parameter incompatibility reason
#define ECAT_SDO_InternalIncompatibility (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6447) //0x06040047,"General internal incompatibility in device
#define ECAT_SDO_HardwareError (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6600) //0x06060000,Access failure due to a hardware error
#define ECAT_SDO_LengthNotMatch (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6710) //0x06070010,Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match
#define ECAT_SDO_LengthTooHigh (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6712) //0x06070012,Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
#define ECAT_SDO_LengthTooLow (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6713) //0x06070013,Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
#define ECAT_SDO_SubindexNotExist (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6911) //0x06090011,Subindex does not exist
#define ECAT_SDO_ValueRangeExceeded (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6930) //0x06090030,Value range of parameter exceeded
#define ECAT_SDO_WrittenTooHigh (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6931) //0x06090031,Value of parameter written too high
#define ECAT_SDO_WrittenTooLow (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6932) //0x06090032,Value of parameter written too low
#define ECAT_SDO_MaximumLessMinimum (ECTDevSDOError + 0x6936) //0x06090036,Maximum value is less than minimum value
#define ECAT_SDO_GeneralError (ECTDevSDOError + 0x8000) //0x08000000,General error
#define ECAT_SDO_ErrorStoredToApplication (ECTDevSDOError + 0x8020) //0x08000020,Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
#define ECAT_SDO_ErrorStoredOfLocalControl (ECTDevSDOError + 0x8021) //0x08000021,Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control
#define ECAT_SDO_ErrorStoredOfPresentDeviceState (ECTDevSDOError + 0x8022) //0x08000022,Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state
#define ECAT_SDO_DynamicGenerationFails (ECTDevSDOError + 0x8023) //0x08000023,Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object
#endif // __ADV_MOT_ERR_H__