// Copyright (c) Advantech Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is subject to the terms of the Advantech end-user
// license agreement (EULA) under which you licensed this SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
// If you did not accept the terms of the EULA, you are not authorized to use
// this source code. For a copy of the EULA, please see the LICENSE.RTF on your
// install media.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#if (_MSC_VER >= 800) || defined(_STDCALL_SUPPORTED)
#define ADVDXFREADERAPI __stdcall
#define CLOSE 1
#define NOT_CLOSE 0
#ifndef SUCCESS
#define SUCCESS 0
//#define PI 3.1415926535897931
// DXF 错误码
#define AtEmptyPathErr 0x01 //路径为空错误
#define AtFileTypeErr 0x02 //文件类型错误
#define AtEmptyFileErr 0x03 //文件为空错误
//#define AtSerialNumErr 0x04 //图样序列号超出范围错误
#define AtSampleTypeErr 0x05 //图样类型错误
#define AtDataLoseErr 0x06 //数据丢失错误
#define AtCreatSpaceErr 0x07 //开辟数据空间失败(malloc失败)
#define AtInputLocusNumErr 0x08 //输入轨迹数目错误
#define AtLocusPtrErr 0x09 //轨迹链表错误
#define AtInputSampleNumErr 0x0a //输入图元数目错误
#define AtSamplePtrErr 0x0b //图元链表错误
#define AtInputPataErr 0x0c //输入参数错误(OpenDxf函数的精度参数)
#define CW 0
#define CCW 1
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtOpenDXF(char *dxfFilePath, //文件路径
double Proportion, //CAD现实的图和绘制中的图的比例
DWORD Ellipse_Cut_Min_Angel, //分割查补椭圆的最小角度
DWORD Spline_Cut_Step //一段曲线要分为多少直线段
); //比例关系
DWORD Direction,
DWORD Locus_Num,
DWORD Sample_Num);
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtGetArc(double * Center_x, //圆弧圆心坐标的x值
double * Center_y, //圆弧圆心坐标的y值
double * Center_z, //圆弧圆心坐标的z值
double * r, //圆弧的半径
double * Start_X, //圆弧的起始点的X坐标
double * Start_Y, //圆弧的起始点的Y坐标角度
double * Start_Z, //圆弧的起始点的z坐标角度
double * End_X, //圆弧的终止点的X坐标
double * End_Y, //圆弧的终止点的Y坐标
double * End_Z, //圆弧的终止点的Y坐标
DWORD * MoveDirection, //运动方向
double * Start_Angle, //圆弧的起始角度
double * End_Angle, //圆弧的终止角度
DWORD * Plane, //圆弧所在平面
DWORD Direction, //轨迹的方向
DWORD Locus_Num, //轨迹的序列号
DWORD Sample_Num); //图元的序列号
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtGetLine(double *Start_x, //直线起始点坐标的x值
double *Start_y, //直线起始点坐标的y值
double *Start_z, //直线起始点坐标的z值
double *End_x, //直线终止点坐标的x值
double *End_y, //直线终止点坐标的y值
double *End_z, //直线终止点坐标的z值
double *k, //直线的斜率
DWORD Direction, //轨迹的方向
DWORD Locus_Num, //轨迹的序列号
DWORD Sample_Num);//图元的序列号
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtGetPoint(double *Point_x,//Point's x value
double *Point_y,//Point's y value
double *Point_z,//Point's z value
DWORD Direction, //轨迹的方向
DWORD Locus_Num, //轨迹的序列号
DWORD Sample_Num);//图元的序列号
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtGetMostValue( double * Min_x, //整个文件的最小点的X坐标
double * Min_y, //整个文件的最小点的y坐标
double * Min_z, //整个文件的最小点的z坐标
double * Max_x, //整个文件的最大点的X坐标
double * Max_y, //整个文件的最大点的y坐标
double * Max_z //整个文件的最大点的z坐标
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtGetLocusCount( DWORD * Count); //获取轨迹的数目
LRESULT ADVDXFREADERAPI AtGetSampleCount(DWORD * Count, //第Locus_Num个轨迹中图元的个数
DWORD Locus_Num); //第几个轨迹
#ifdef __cplusplus